Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Retirement Plan

I've decided to write a book. I was watching Mike and Mike in the morning (thats right, watching a talk radio show on tv) and they were starting their promotion of their new book, rules on life or something like that. It got me thinking, if they can do it why can't I? It seems that writing a book is a great way to insure a quick inflow of cash, and as people will read anything these days I figured I'd give it a shot. I realize of course that this is no easy feat, as I've never written anything longer than 13 pages in my life. This of course is just one of many issues a potential author faces when beginning their masterpiece. However for me I think it will be the toughest. Source material isn't the easiest to come by which I suppose is the reason author's do months and even years of research before writing a book. I don't have that much patience. So I'm going to ask my countless fan base for help with material. Now I'm sure you are curious as to what the title of my upcoming bestseller will be. Well here's what I was thinking; "No One Told Us How Hard Our 20's Would Be." What do you think? This is where I need your help loyal readers. Tell me what it was/is about that decade of your life that took you by surprise, that ended up not going the way you planned. And if you are one of those of those people whose life is exactly where you planned it would be at this age, you're lying. So there it is, no help me out. If you're lucky I'll even include you in the source page at the back of the book.


  1. I don't have source material cause I'm only 21, but I will read your book so I don't crew up like most people in their 20's do apparently

  2. I think you should start your book by throwing the reader for a loop. Talk about what was so hard about living in the 1920's and the audience will be like..."uhhWHAAA?" And then you can say, just kidding, this book is about living in your 20's not in THE 20's...it would be hilarious!!!!! You know, the Great Depression, Stock Market Crash, etc. I should definitely be the co-author of this book

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The hardest thing about my 20's so far...Taxes. I mean seriously, who is supposed to explain to me how this stuff works? Luckily my dad is a numbers genius and helps me. But other than that what am I supposed to do, pay somebody at HR Block to tell me how much money I owe to the government? Have you tried the computer programs like Quicken?? Have You?? Ridiculous! So confusing and unless you have a college degree in finance you are pretty much lost on how to explain 10W40's and W2's and WMD forms...
