Saturday, May 23, 2009

Walking where He trod...

I have found that the key to writing a blog is pretending that people are actually going to read it.  Otherwise you may as well be writing a journal.  I already write one of those from time to time and thus I must pretend people are actually reading this.  I have a good imagination.  

So I went on my own and saw Angels and Demons yesterday.  Yes alone, I enjoy seeing movies on my own now and then it's relaxing.  I've never understood why people use movies as social events as a movie allows for minimal conversation or social interaction... but I digress.  The movie was actually pretty good, much better than the da Vinci code.  Not surprising seeing as the book was also superior.  Once again the movie revolves around the Catholic Church and a group they once oppressed.  Far from the major point of the movie but one I found interesting is the countless forms religion has taken throughout the centuries.  One book has inspired various religions, religions people have been willing to kill and die for. To quote, "Religion is flawed because man is flawed."  As I sat and thought about the implications of this statement I realized just how much religion is a creation of man.  Christ came to this Earth to not only to allow us the grace that is so wonderfully given because of His sacrifice but also to show us how to live.  Now you may be thinking, "of course we all know that."  But do we?  He didn't come down here proclaiming a new religion so much as a radical way to conduct our lives.  Under the banner of Christ have spouted numerous religions, all built upon the same basic principles.  But we have come so far from these principles.  No Christian based religion is free from guilt in this.  Even the Church of Christ, which I accept as my brand of religion, is so greatly flawed.  We waste time bickering over minute details of religion all the while over looking the simpler, yet more important principles of faith.  When we stand before the judgment seat what question will be asked of us?  Did you allow a woman to preach?  Did you play instruments while worshiping My name?  Did you have a racially diverse church?  Or will it sound more like this... Did you treat others with love and respect?  Did you take care of those in need?  Did you seek out the tired and the weary, the lost and forgotten, and offer comfort?  Jesus didn't come proclaiming a new religion, just a new faith.  A faith that requires only that we believe in Him and thus treat others as He would.  To seek out the hungry and the sick, the weak and dying, His lost sheep.  This is what Jesus was about.  This is what he called people to.  If only we could cast aside the petty differences that divide His people and realize the all-surpassing power of Christ's disciples united in a common goal.  I believe this is the church Jesus envisioned when He came down here, and it's an incredible shame humanity decided we could improve upon it.


  1. I'm reading...:)

  2. Jonathan, You are so right on! This is an excellent summary of what I believe Jesus wants us to be. You are right that we have messed up "religion". It is so fun to see how you have grown into such a mature and perceptive young man and I am humbled by your wise words and proud to know you! By-the-way, I am glad you love St. Louis!

    Don Fitz

  3. Jon, Amen to all you said so eloquently. You could write you know. Really. Looking forward to seeing you!
